The University of Arizona Andrew Weil Center for Integrative Medicine
Integrative Medicine in Residency
Terms and Conditions

The University of Arizona Center Andrew Weil Center for Integrative Medicine (AWCIM) has created and is the ("Provider") of the Integrative Medicine in Residency (IMR) online educational program. The residency program is the ("Participant") in the Integrative Medicine in Residency (IMR) online educational curriculum.

Use of the IMR and its contents by the Participant is subject to the following Terms and Conditions.

  1. Copyright and Other Protections. The content of the IMR is copyrighted by the Andrew Weil Center for Integrative Medicine, the University of Arizona, and the University of Arizona Board of Regents. All content in the program and research done by the Provider is the Intellectual Property of the Provider and is protected by US copyright law (Title 17, US Code). All restrictions apply regarding duplication of the material, including video, audio, text, images, and other content, in any format.
  2. The parties shall keep learner data and curricular progress confidential, as is standard practice in education. This includes access to accounts with administrative dashboards containing student enrollment data. For the purposes of this Agreement, Provider and Participant hereby designate each other as an official with a legitimate educational interest in the educational records of the participating learner to the extent that access to either party's records is required by the other party to carry out the purpose of this Agreement.
  3. Use of the Site and Contents. Participants are not authorized to share an account or login/password to the IMR curriculum. Each participant's enrollment is unique and provides a non-exclusive right to access and use the IMR curriculum for its intended purpose. You may only make non-commercial uses of the site and the content. Course videos and audio files are for educational use and may be downloaded where a downloading option is available. You may display or distribute those course videos or audio to students as part of your own teaching activities. In no event may you alter or modify the videos or other content, including, without limitation, by adding any advertisement or other material or by interfering with the viewing of any content.
  4. Participant agrees to cite Provider in any reference to the outcomes and/or utilization of the IMR in any publications, promotions/presentations. Participant may be asked to share non-confidential educational outcome data from its initiative with Provider.
  5. Fees and Payment. Participant agrees to pay a fee as specified on the AWCIM website and invoices.
    • Invoices will be available on the AWCIM website and accessible to the Participant's invoice delegate.
    • Payment by the Participant shall be made within sixty (60) days of invoice.
    • All payments shall be made in US dollars and may be made either by check, credit card, or electronic funds transfer. All payments shall include a reference to the Invoice Number. Checks shall be made payable to The University of Arizona and sent to the following address:

      The University of Arizona (FRS#2229400)
      Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine
      PO Box 245153
      Tucson, AZ 85724-5153

  6. Termination. Provider may terminate access to IMR upon thirty (30) days written notice to Participant, if funding for providing services is no longer available; or performance of the services is substantially completed; or if circumstances beyond its control preclude continuation of the IMR. Participant may end access to the IMR upon ninety (90) days written notice to Provider, if circumstances beyond its control preclude continuation of the IMR. Participant shall pay for all services rendered until the end of access to IMR. The IMR is accessible until either party terminates it.
  7. Indemnity. Participant shall indemnify and hold harmless the University of Arizona and the Center for Integrative Medicine and our respective officers, fellows, governing board members, directors, and employees from and against all claims, actions, suits, damages, liabilities and costs (including, without limitation, reasonable legal fees) from or relating to Participant's use of the site or any of the content, your provision of any user content and/or your failure to comply with any provision of these terms of use.
  8. Links to other sites. Links on the site to third-party web sites are provided solely as a convenience. We do not approve or endorse the content of linked third-party sites, and you agree that we will have no responsibility or liability in connection with your use of any linked third-party sites.
  9. Proprietary Rights. Nothing in these Terms and Conditions will be construed as granting you any right or license to use any logos, trademarks, service marks, or graphics displayed on the site. You agree not to use or register any name, logo, or insignia of the University of Arizona Andrew Weil Center for Integrative Medicine for any purpose except with our prior written approval and in accordance with any restrictions required by us.
  10. Electronic Privacy: The University of Arizona (UA) provides online information and services to students, employees, and the public to supplement services provided on campus. This privacy statement provides information required by Arizona law (A.R.S. § 41-4152) about privacy, confidentiality, and related policies for individuals who use our official websites and other electronic services. Individual websites may provide additional information about privacy. This statement applies to all information collected by or submitted to UA. It is not to be construed as a contractual promise. UA encourages its colleges, schools, departments, divisions, and other units contributing to its official webpages to provide specific notices about the collection and use of any personal information associated with those pages. This information is therefore general, and we encourage you to read webpage-specific notices to ensure that you precisely understand the applicable privacy policies and practices.
  11. Security – In addition to the University of Arizona security policy, AWCIM websites also conform with the PCI Security Council standards for account data protection.

These Terms and Conditions are complete for this program and there are no other promises, either express or implied.

IMR Terms and Conditions Agreement